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The importance of reliable recall

Are you able to call your dog ONCE and have them come ALL the way to you? If the answer is no, you should not be allowing your pet to roam freely in public spaces even if your dog is friendly. You are putting your dog or other dogs (who are behaving appropriately) in danger. How can you create reliable recall? First, master short leash work. Once your dog understands their should be focused on you, you’ve won half the battle. (You can also achieve focus through redirection work but that’s another post😛). Next, incorporate long leash work into your activities. This is where you begin to test recall. The long leash should be light so the dog thinks they are free and unrestricted. In this exercise, you call the dog to you and if they don’t immediately respond that’s when you apply pressure on the long leash. Next, I personally think everyone should learn how to properly use an e-collar. There will be times when your dog tests you and it is 100% your responsibility to protect and control your dog. Reliable recall is not going to happen over night. Continue to safely test your canine whenever you can.

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