Is there such a thing?! Actually, yes. We may be asking for engagement with good intentions but we are actually causing avoidance, which is not helping the root of your dog's reaction (it may actually be reinforcing it).
People often struggle to keep their dogs attention. Maybe you’re out for a walk, another dog passes by and your dog loses it. 1. It’s important to understand why your dog is losing focus. Are they scared, excited, lack of exposure (etc.)? 2. Evaluate your actions. Are you helping or hurting the problem?
Redirecting your dog's attention onto you through engagement techniques can be very productive and supportive to your relationship. Simple commands like sit, down, or place can put your dog into a productive state of mind and settle their energy.
Other times, asking for too much engagement can cause avoidance rather than supporting neutrality. Our dogs don't need to LOVE everything but we want to create a sense of confidence that supports neutrality, rather than the initial reaction they had.